Everything You Need to Know Before Buying an Asphalt Plant

Infrastructure development has gradually become a priority among governments as it is instrumental in facilitating industrial development, which would, in turn, lead to the development of the economy. As a result, construction equipment has seen steady growth in demand. Asphalt plants are an integral part of the construction business and are responsible for preparing construction mixes efficiently.

However, they belong to the category of expensive construction equipment and hence before purchasing an asphalt plant, a builder would closely scrutinize all aspects to pick out the best deal.

If you are thinking of purchasing an asphalt plant, here is everything you need to know about these plants to understand their utility and suitability for your project.
Everything You Need to Know Before Buying an Asphalt Plant

Things to Consider Before Purchasing an Asphalt Plant

If you go through a catalogue from asphalt plant manufacturers– offline or online – you will find asphalt mixing plants from different brands with different names and descriptions. However, you need to understand the granular details of the product to pick out an asphalt batching plant that accurately caters to your construction requirements.

Here’s a quick brief on the types, styles, sizes of asphalt plants to help you understand the product better:

Types of Asphalt Plants

Asphalt plants come in two types – Asphalt Drum Mixing Plants and Asphalt Batching Plants

  • Asphalt Drum Mixing Plants:

Asphalt drum mixing plants are also known as drum mixers and are great if you require consistent, high production. This plant will offer you a continuous supply of hot asphalt. The differentiator between this type and asphalt batching plants is that the asphalt is weighed on the conveyor and transferred to the drum. Also, this type of plant uses fewer components.

  • Asphalt Batching Plants:

Batching plants make hot asphalt mixes in batches, hence the name. The advantage that batching plants offer is that you can customize the specifications of the mix anytime during operation. You can also customize the screens in asphalt batch mix plants.

Styles of Asphalt Plants

In terms of style, asphalt plants are generally of two types – mobile and stationary.

Mobile asphalt plants give you the advantage of easy transfer between construction sites. They are slightly more expensive than stationary asphalt plants. Mobile asphalt plants are ideal for those who have far-flung construction sites.

If none of these apply to you, stationary batching plants are more suitable for you.

Size of the Equipment

You will find hot mix asphalt plants in several sizes and you may find it confusing to pick out the right one. The best way to decide on the right size of the equipment is to consider a few aspects including:

  • The type of projects that you shall be undertaking
  • The amount of production or production capacity you shall need per hour
  • The number of hours you will need to operate the equipment
  • The space that you have on your site

Analyzing these factors will help you zero in on the right size of the asphalt plant that can cater to your construction requirements.

Transportation Costs

Transportation costs can be a huge addition to your overall expenses. This is an expenditure that many people fail to foresee and end up paying much more for the equipment.

Used or New Asphalt Plants

Another question that would arise during your search for the right asphalt plants is whether you should buy a used or a new asphalt plant. New asphalt plants offer the advantage of service support, operator training, warranty, installation-related aid and required environmental compliance. You can even ask for customization in a new plant to suit your requirements.

However, if you have a low budget you can look for plants that have not been used much. But before you do, make sure you get the plant inspected thoroughly and ensure that the seller is reliable enough.

Manufacturer Support

A very important factor to consider is the support that a manufacturer offers. A good and reliable manufacturer will help you find the right equipment for you. So, research well to pick out the right manufacturer who can lend you the necessary support to ensure that you pick out the right asphalt plants.

Components of Asphalt Plants

Even as you consider the external aspects such as size, style and type of plant that you need, you must have a thorough understanding of the components of the plant. The following are a few of the integral components that must be checked in detail:

Dryer: The dryer should have the perfect design, facilitate maximum heat transfer and be easy to maintain.

Burner: It should offer complete combustion and low fuel consumption, should be easy to maintain and should be safe to operate

Weighing Unit: The weighing unit of the asphalt batching plant should have a system with load cells for bitumen and a place for aggregate, filler and foreign materials to be weighed separately

Mixer: It should offer pneumatic control and less mixing time

Screen: The screen should have horizontal decks, perfect inclination and homogenous load distribution, perfect inner design, etc.

These are just some of the several components that need to be thoroughly understood and scrutinized before you pick out an asphalt plant for your construction requirements.

Reach Out for High-Quality, Low Maintenance Construction Equipment

Kaushik Engineering Works is a leading asphalt batching plant, best known for their high quality construction equipment, hot mix asphalt plants and concrete batching plants, etc. They are also one of the most popular asphalt plant manufacturers.

Kaushik Engineering Works provide quality asphalt mix plants that help contractors in developing a discontinuous process merged with perfectly weighing technology. Our hot mix asphalt plants are a must buy!

For information on our asphalt batching plants and asphalt drum mixing plants, you can reach out to us by calling +91-9825164764 or writing to us at info@kaushikengineeringworks.com. We would be happy to help you!


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